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O blogu Realcamplife

All about Norway, Iceland and other cold countries…

You do not have to be afraid anymore to travel to Norway or Iceland independently without a travel agency. You do not even have to spend countless hours browsing through different web pages and travel blogs. You will find all the information you need for planning your dream holidays in Norway, Iceland, and the Nordics on our blog.

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I have never been a big fan of warm destinations. I prefer walking in the mountains with my camera around my neck over sipping cocktails at a beach. So, when I had a chance to spend a semester studying abroad, I chose Trondheim, Norway. Immediately I fell in love with Norwegian nature and a couple of years later with a Norwegian. Instead of staying here just for a couple of months for the last eight years, I am calling Norway my home.

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My boyfriend Ivar and I recently bought a van which we are converting into a camper van. It gives us a perfect chance to take all of our climbing, paddling, and camping equipment and explore Norwegian mountains and fjords. We started to write this blog to share our love for nature with likeminded people. We want to share with you not just tips for beautiful places but also an insight into Norwegian culture, history, and everyday life.


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Apart from loving Norway, we also have a soft spot for Iceland. We have been lucky enough to visit this spectacular island four times, and we still have at least another 40 visits planned. We are also fascinated by Greenland, but that is for now still an unfulfilled dream. When we add frequent visits to my brother, who lives with his family in Sweden, then why not to write about the whole of northern Europe?

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We write articles not only about traveling in Norway and neighboring states but also about other (mainly cold) destinations. Apart from that, we like to review the equipment we use for camping, hiking, paddling, or other sports activities. At the end of this year (2019), we are planning to leave Norway for about a year or two. We want to ship our van to South America and drive the Panamerican highway from Chile to Alaska. And who knows maybe after that we will finally find our dream house with grass on the roof and view to the mountains and settle down?

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Ivar is a climber and a nurse that has never been to Preikestolen. He used to work as a personal assistant for disabled people, where he was charmed by Radka (who is a nightshift worker). As a stereotypical Norwegian, he loves skiing, waffles with brunost, and he is capable of drinking hectoliters of coffee. He is very outdoorsy and likes to use classical Norwegian clichés like “Det finnes ikke dårlig vær, bare dårlige klær” (There is no bad clothes, just bad weather.)

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Radka is a chemist who currently works as an assistant for disabled people. She has never been to Trolltunga. When Radka was young, she managed to break her leg while downhill skiing, and she said she would never try the cross-country skiing again after crossing Rondane and Femundsmarka with Ivar. She does not eat fish or brunost and doesn’t drink coffee. For two years, she thought that her classmate from Stavanger was Danish. Despite all of that, she is trying to blend in with Norwegians.

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