Itinerář na míru Norsko ukázka


You no longer have to waste time searching for information on multiple travel websites or planning the logistics. 
We are local experts and we will tailor your travel itinerary according to your travel style and preferences. Our experience and extensive knowledge will take the stress out of travel planning and you can focus on enjoying your vacation to Norway and Iceland.


Hi! I am Radka, and traveling is my passion. 

While some people say that planning a trip can be stressful, for me, it is so much fun! The best thing, of course, is planning a trip for myself. But putting together your dream vacation to make you fall in love with Norway and Iceland like did a couple of years ago is a close second.

I moved to Norway in 2012, and I fell in love with the country immediately. Every year I spend up to several months exploring the fjords and the mountains together with my Norwegian boyfriend Ivar, so I dare to say that I know the country inside out. Ivar sometimes says that I am guiding him in his own country. Iceland is our soft spot, and every time we get a chance, we travel there.

When planning your custom-made itinerary, we mainly count on our extensive personal experience. But we also stay up to date by reading Norwegian travel and outdoor magazines and keeping in touch with friends who live in different regions of Norway and Iceland. Therefore we can share insider tips with you and help you plan the perfect vacation.



Whatever your mode of transportation (by car, by train or by plane) we will provide you with the information you need about where to find good rental options, where and how to book your train tickets and which airports make the most sense to arrive on.


Your itinerary includes an overview-map of the whole trip as well as a detailed, day-by-day map where you can see exactly where you will travel. All points of interest are also included in a separate interactive map tailored specifically for your trip.


The itinerary includes detailed information about your daily activities.
You can expect opening hours of restaurants and museums as well as information about entrance fees, parking options, and detailed descriptions of hikes.


In your itinerary you will receive suggestions for accommodations within your price range. (We do not book the accommodation for you). If you travel by car we can include tips for free camping-spots in Norway. (Free camping and sleeping in a car is forbidden in Iceland).


You will receive the final document in .pdf and .doc formats. Our custom made itineraries are very detailed and descriptive – the final file has between 20 – 40 pages depending on the length of your trip. Here are a few sample pages (in Czech language)

How does it work?

send us an inquiry

Tell us where you want to go and describe us your ideal vacation, personal needs, budget and desires.

Follow up

We will get back to you within 24 hours with some follow up questions to help us better understand your travel needs. If you want to we can schedule a short personal call via Whatsapp or Skype.


After we agree on what are your expectations and wishes, I will send you an advance invoice for 50% of the total amount of the itinerary price.


We will notify you once your customised itinerary is ready. Depending on the length of your itinerary, we will take between 1 to 3 weeks to get back to you.


Together with the finished itinerary, I will send you an invoice to pay the remaining amount.

Itinerář na míru Island ukázka


Itinerář na míru Norsko ukázka
  • $300 for a complete custom plan for up to 10 days
  • + $49 per extra day


Detailed daily itinerary for the duration of your trip that includes basic information about each point of interest. You will get it as pdf file.

Interactive Map

Customized interactive Google map with exact locations for each point of interest, accommodation and restaurants reccommendations.

Video Chat

After receiving the itinerary we will schedule 30-minute video chat to go through any last questions you have about your personalised plan.

reviews: What our customers say

Moc děkuji Radce Staňkové za veškeré rady ohledně Islandu, kam jsem se letos vydal poprvé a sám! Ať už rady ohledně kempování, stopování a nebo míst které je dobré navštívit.... Opravdu jsem využil každou radu, nehledě na pomoc při vybírání vybavení, opravdu můžu jen a jen chválit a děkovat!​
Michal Prokop
(Itinerář Island)
Radka, autorka Realcamplife, mi perfektně a mile poradila s plánováním dvoutýdenního roadtripu z Trondheim na Lofoty a zpět! Má přehled snad o všem v Norsku. Poradila jak ohledně půjčení auta, MHD v okolí Trondheim, doporučila nějaký parádní treky …​
Pavel Čermák
(Itinerář Norsko)
Všechno sedělo, bylo to výživný, ale fakt hodně dobrý, nabušený zážitkama a to už jsme fakt něco projeli. Těším se na případnou další spolupráci – Norsko, Patagonie.
Hynek Luňák
(Itinerář Island)
Děkuji Radce za velmi ochotny přístup s vypracováním mého itineráře při plánování mé cesty po Norsku. Její cenné rady a osobní zkušenosti s touto krajinou mi umožnily naplánovat cestu i na méně známá krásná místa v zemi fjordů. S jejím přispěním se o to víc těším na nezapomenutelnou dovolenou.​
Edita Trčková
(Itinerář Norsko)
V začátku plánování naší rodinné cesty po Norsku jsem náhodou objevila velmi poutavý blog RealCampLife, který spravuje Radka s Ivarem. A protože se nám líbily všechny jejich rady a postřehy, využili jsme jejich nabídku a nechali si od nich vytvořit itinerář na celé tři týdny. Ani jednou jsme se neztratili, ani jednou jsme se nenudili a domů jsme si dovezli jedinečné zážitky, plno krásných fotek bez davů a chuť se do Norska zase někdy vrátit.​
Irena Kadrnožková
(Itinerář Norsko)